Monday, March 10, 2014

Top 10 Gen 1 Pokémon

Top 10 Gen 1 Pokémon

So with a new generation of Pokémon out and a favorite Pokémon list that I've had planned for a while, I think now is the time to count down my favorites of the 6 generations so far and logically I’d start with the first generation. This generation isn’t as good as people make it out to be, but it was still good nonetheless! So let’s start it off!

1   10.  Aerodactyl

Raising an Aerodactyl from an Old Amber at level 5 at a late point in the game may be a pain in the ass but it’s worth it! Like many Pokémon on this list, I have to mention Aerodactyl’s design. Aerodactyl looks pretty neat. Aerodactyl also has a pretty big movepool, with moves that vary from Ancient Power and Hyper Beam to Flamethrower and  all 3 of the elemental fangs! Also, its gen 5 Pokédex entry says its teeth are like saw blades. Also, Mega Aerodactyl has a base attack stat of 135 and a base speed of 150, as well as a base stat total of 615. Also Mega Aerodactyl has the ability tough claws, which raises physical moves’ power by 30%, and with its already good physical attack this thing is a monster. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t fuck with Aerodactyl.

1  9. Blastoise

Alright so Blastoise, unlike Charizard, has a really cool design that holds up rather well today and didn’t get utterly toned down due to a change in gameplay in a later generation. Those canons on Blastoise’s back look awesome! They can even punch through thick steel! Now THAT’s kick-ass! Now Blastoise isn’t the best Water-type starter, but Blastoise is still super cool and looks awesome! Also, Mega Blastoise is amazing.

1   8.  Mew

Mew, pretty much the first DLC in a video game! Mew is famous for being a very rare and mythical Pokémon. This Pokémon wasn’t meant to be put in Red and Green, but was programmed in there anyway.  Pokémon wasn’t very popular when it first came out in Japan, but after the rumors about Mew sparked, Pokémon’s popularity skyrocketed. There were many rumors and urban myths about this Pokémon for years, whether if it was that Mew was under the truck or that Oak gives Mew to you after catching the other 150 Pokémon. Ok, so enough background, what do I like about Mew? Well for starters, Mew is so cute! Mew is definitely among one of the cutest in the series. The backstory behind what Mew is is also pretty interesting. Ancestor of all Pokémon? I guess Mew was the first Pokémon on Earth then. That’s just my interpretation though. Mew also has an extremely wide movepool, being able to use every TM and HM in the game. I liked Mew’s role in both the first movie and the 8th movie. I don’t know why Mew wasn’t in the 16th movie alongside Mewtwo and I’m a bit disappointed that Mew didn’t get a mega evolution, but oh well. In a nutshell, Mew is a very interesting Pokémon with an interesting history.

1    7.  Starmie

Next up we have Patrick Star is he was actually purple (high five to anyone who gets that reference) and was intelligent a.k.a Starmie. Alright seriously, Starmie is awesome. I used one in my White 2 playthrough and it did not disappoint! Starmie is very versatile and can learn a lot of great moves such as Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Psychic, and Ice Beam. Starmie’s pokédex entry is also very interesting.  Apparently Starmie sends signals into the night sky to communicate with “something”. Maybe extra terrestrial life? I don’t know, but that’s still pretty cool.
1   6.    Gengar

Gengar is one hell of a good ghost type Pokémon. Even now with other awesome Ghost-type Pokémon such as Chandelure, Aegislash, and Giratina, Gengar is still one of the best out there. Gengar is always a deadly opponent, being fast and having decent special attack. If you get lucky to land a super-effective hit on Gengar though, Gengar is pretty much toast, so it’s a double-edged sword. Gengar also looks very menacing and creepy, which is what comes to mind when you think of a Ghost Pokémon. Those red eyes of his are deadly enough to make a little kid piss a pool in their pants. There’s also a very interesting theory that Gengar is the shadow of a deceased Clefairy. While this theory hasn’t been proven true or false, it’s still something to think about. Mega Gengar has a really cool design and has the deadly ability of Shadow Tag, making this shadowy ghost Pokémon a true nightmare. You better beware, with Gengar you’re in for a scare!
     5.    Lapras

So Lapras is an awesome Pokémon! For starters Lapras has a really cool design. I really like how Lapras is just this really big Pokémon that understands human language and was the surf sprite back in the days of the Gameboy. Lapras has a HUGE movepool, with powerful STAB moves along with many other types of moves like Thunderbolt, Body Slam, Psychic, Buldoze, Dragon Pulse, Ancientpower, Drill Run, Iron Head, Outrage, Signal beam,  HOLY COW.  Lapras is also pretty cute. It’s also cool how Lapras is based off of the Loch Ness monster. Lapras is one of the more creative Gen 1 Pokémon and is also my favorite Gen 1 Water type.
1  4.  Arcanine

So here’s my favorite Gen 1 Fire-type, Arcanine. Wow, where do I begin with this amazing Pokémon? I guess I should start out with its design. Arcanine is a dog, which already gets bonus points from me being that I LOVE dogs. Arcanine is also based off of the Haetae, a mythical fire-eating dog. Next let’s move on to Arcanine’s battle capabilities. Arcanine is one of the most versatile Fire-types I have ever trained. Arcanine can use a large amount of good moves such as Flamethrower, Extremespeed, Outrage, Crunch, Heat Wave, Flare Blitz, Wild Charge,Close Combat,  and Thunder Fang. Many Gen 1 Pokémon that used to be pretty good don’t hold up very well today, but in Arcanine’s case, Arcanine has gotten even better since Gen 1. Arcanine has the highest base stat total of all non-legendary and non-mega Fire-type Pokémon, even trumping Volcarona. Arcanine is one hell of a Pokémon.
1   3.    Dragonite

So now we have Dragonite, who is EXTREMELY powerful, especially when you have to face 3 of them in the Johto Elite Four. Dragonite can be a pain the ass to take down, but it’s better to have one at your side than having to face one. Like most pseudo-legendary Dragon-type Pokémon, Dragonite has a HUGE movepool that covers all of its weaknesses. Now with the new Fairy-type in X and Y, dragon Pokémon aren’t quite as overpowered as they used to be, but Dragonite is still pretty cool. It’s a pain in the ass to raise a Dragonair to level 55 but man oh man is it worth raising! Compared to the modern Dragon-type Pokémon such as Garchomp and Hydreigon, Dragonite is a little bland, but is still an awesome Pokémon anyway.
1   2.  Snorlax

A Pokémon is blocking the road! What should you do? Wake it up and catch it! Snorlax is awesome. Not only is Snorlax adorable as shit, but Snorlax can kick MAJOR ass on the battlefield.  Snorlax, like a lot of Pokémon on this list, has a very big movepool, but I’m pretty sure Snorlax has more variety than most of the other Pokémonon this list with moves like Body Slam, Blizzard, Surf, Flamethrower, Crunch, Rollout, Earthquake, GOOD LORD! Snorlax also reminds me of my mother. Now hear me out, I know that might sound offensive, but it’s because she loves to sleep and at least when I was younger she was  very cuddly. My mom also really likes Snorlax. She used to watch Pokémon when my older sister and I were very little. Snorlax is also awesome whenever he’s in the animé, whether if it’s the one from the Pikachu specials that Pokémon bounce off of, or Ash’s Snorlax, who is awesome. Snorlax can pretty much kick your ass in his sleep; I mean have you seen Snorlax crush Pokémon just by rolling over in his sleep? Yeah, that’s just awesome. Snorlax is by far my favorite pure normal-type Pokémon.
Honorable mentions:


1  1.    Mewtwo

So we’re here at number 1. Who’s my favorite Gen 1 Pokémon? Mewtwo! Mewtwo is not only my favorite Gen 1 Pokémon, but is also my favorite mono-Psychic type and one of my favorite Pokémon of all time. My reasoning is pretty straightforward; Mewtwo is so damn cool! Being a successful attempt at cloning Mew, one of the most rare Pokémon in the world, Mewtwo was made to be one hell of a strong Pokémon. After seeing Mewtwo in the first movie, I wanted a Mewtwo. I’ve always seen Mewtwo as the villain Pokémon. Mewtwo just gives off an evil vibe. Mewtwo is evil until the end  in the first movie, so I guess that’s why. I’m sure we all remember Mewtwo’s famous quote, “I now understand the circumstances of one’s live are irrelevant; it’s what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are”. That’s a seriously good lesson. It basically means it doesn’t matter what happened to you in the past leading up to now, what you do with your life makes you who you are. Mewtwo is statistically the 10th strongest Pokémon. However, Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Mewtwo Y have the highest base stat total of all Pokémon, even trumping Arceus. I think both of them are well designed and are undeniably powerful. It’s cool how Mewtwo is now in a way the strongest Pokémon ever once again. I also love to use Mewtwo in Melee and hope he makes a comeback in Smash 4.So yeah, I think Mewtwo rocks!

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