Thursday, March 27, 2014

Top 10 Johto Pokémon


Hey guys! So generation 2! Honestly I didn’t know of its existence until I tapped into Pokémon. The second generation doesn’t really mean a lot to me personally, but there were still kick-ass Pokémon introduced in that era and here are my 10 favorites from Johto! Let’s start it off!
 10. Ampharos

So I’m starting this list with the adorable lighthouse Pokémon Ampharos! I know what some of you are thinking. Why is Ampharos this low on my list? It’s not that I don’t like it (why would I put Ampharos on the list if I didn’t like it?), I just like the other 9 Pokémon on this list better. Anyway, Ampharos is a great and fun Pokémon to use in your playthrough. You can get Mareep at an early point in the game where it can help you plenty against Falkner’s flying types.  You can also get Mareep just as early in Black and White 2. I really like Ampharos’ design. It’s skinny, yellow, has stripes around its ears, and a bulb on its forehead and tail. I just wanna hug one! Also Mega Ampharos looks FABULOUS. I have yet to pick up an Ampharos in X or Y to give Ampharosite to but I just love its flowing long hair. Ampharos can be helpful with its arsenal of moves. True, it’s not as versatile as other Pokémon are, but good STAB Electric-tpye moves, Dragon Pulse, Power Gem, and Fire Punch are good enough for me. Overall, Ampharos is a very cute and useful Pokémon.

1      9. Typhlosion

Coming in at number 9 is the fire starter from Johto, Typhlosion! Honestly most of the reason why I like Typhlosion is its design. I just think Typhlosion looks really badass with the fire on its back and facial expression that tells you “you’re dead meat”. Also, the name, Typhlosion. I just love the way it sounds. Saying it makes you feel powerful. I also really like Typhlosion’s cry, it really capitalizes on the badass factor that goes with it. Overall Typhlosion is just badass.

1      8.Houndoom

If Typhlosion is badass, then Typhlosion is Houndoom’s bitch. Seriously, Houndoom is the king of badassery (is that even a word? XD), as far as fire types goes. Houndoon is based off of a hellhound, which is pretty dark for a game that’s rated E for everyone. Trust me, Pokémon is more mature than one may think. Anyway, people believe that Houndoom’s howling is the cry of the grim reaper and if Houndoom burns you, the burn will hurt forever. Houndoom’s name is also awesome, Houndoom. Mega Houndoom looks deadly.  I was expecting mega Houndoom to be a Cerberus, but I’m fine with what it turned out to be. Mega Houndoom has the ability Solar Power, which powers up its special attack in the sun, and with a special attack of 140, this thing isn’t to be taken lightly. Regular Houndoom can have Flash Fire, which powers up Fire Type moves if hit by one, making Houndoom an absolute monster in the sun. Don’t fuck with Houndoom.
1    7.Lanturn

I have a bit of a hard time explaining why I like this Pokémon so bare with me on this one. There’s just something about Lanturn that just makes me really like it. It might be because of its cute and simple design and how reliable it’s been for me in battle, but I’m not so sure. I like its typing, Water/Electric. One really sweet thing about Lanturn is that it has the ability Volt Absorb, which heals it if hit with an electric attack. That’s good for fooling those who think it’s just a mono water type or weak to electric. It also just feels good having a fish Pokémon that can also use Thunderbolt. Anglerfish are pretty cool too. Ok I’m bored next entry.
1     6.Feraligatr
So a water type alligator Pokémon. That sounds predictable and boring. Let’s see what… holy shit this thing is awesome! Yes, my favorite Johto starter is Feraligatr. I just really love its design. It looks like it could whoop your ass while still being relaxed. Feraligatr has also been very helpful for me in my playthroughs of HeartGold and SoulSilver. While its name might not be as awesome as Typhlosion’s, I think Feraligatr has a better movepool than Typhlosion with more variation. Feraligatr evolves at a very low level of 30, which gives you a powerful Pokémon relatively early in the game compared to the other starters. Also, Feraligatr can learn Ice Fang through level up, which is really helpful for the latter part of the game (or middle depending on how you look at the Johto games). Lance and Clair are still a pain in the ass even with Feraligatr, but Feraligatr definitely makes it a little easier with its bulk and power. Overall, Feraligatr is just a very reliable Pokémon to use in your Johto journeys.
1       5.Skarmory

This metal bird is a threat in competitive battling as well as regular battling. That’s right, we’re talking Skarmory. Unlike most flying types, Skarmory has good defenses. In fact, Skarmory has the highest base defense of all flying type Pokémon as of generation 6. Yeah, no kidding. While its special defense isn’t anything to write home about, its high defense stat will keep you afloat throughout your journey. Also, Skarmory has access to both Spikes and Stealth Rock, making your opponent on their toes when battling, as their Pokémon will most likely take damage right when they’re sent out. Skarmory also has a great design. It’s a metallic bird! At least in my book that’s really fucking awesome. Skarmory is one bird that you don’t wanna flip.
1    4.Heracross

The next 2 entries aren’t necessarily Pokémon in which case I like one over the other. Anyways, the first one is Heracross. Gen 2 had some awesome bug type Pokémon and Heracross is no exception. Heracross is based off of the rhinoceros beetle, which can lift more weight than any other animal on earth. Heracross can lift objects that are 100 times its own weight, which means it could hypothetically lift more than 5 Groudons! That is some brute strength. Mr. Incredible and the Hulk would want this Pokémon. Heracross also has a very wide variety of moves from Megahorn and Close Combat to Aerial Ace and Stone Edge. That moveset just about covers all of its weaknesses. Mega Heracross looks really cool and all, but my only gripe with it is its nose. It just makes it look kinda weird. Other than that I think it looks great. Mega Heracross gets a huge boost in defense due to the bulky design and even gets a higher attack stat, with a base stat total of 600. Regular Heracross has a rather good base stat total of 500, which is really high for a Pokémon you can find early in your Johto adventure. Mega horn was the only bug type attack until gen 4 that was actually reliable (besides Fury Cutter), and to this day it’s still the strongest bug type attack. Heracross was the only bug type Pokémon (and still is) that can naturally learn Mega Horn, adding STAB to the move which already has a base power of 120. Heracross is just such an awesome Pokémon! Now on to my other favorite bug Pokémon…
1    3. Scizor

Scyther was a pretty good Pokémon back in gen 1, being the best bug type in the game (which isn’t saying much since the other ones kinda suck), but man oh man in gen 2 we got…this. Scizor is fucking amazing in every way possible. From its design, mega evolution, movepool, and stats. Just fucking look at Scizor. The code of red Scizor is colored and the angry look on its face lets you know that you’re fucked. One of Scizor’s abilities is Technician, which makes weaker moves like Bullet Punch and Double Hit more powerful. Give that fucker a life orb and 2 other moves (I’d choose X-Scissor and Aerial Ace) and your opponent is fucked. There isn’t really much else I can say about Scizor that I haven’t already said. Scizor is a just a boss.
    2. Tyranitar

This Pokémon. THIS FUCKING POKÉMON. Check it out. It’s Tyranitar. I really feel as if that’s all I have to say as it’s hard to put in words how good this Pokémon is, but I’ll talk some more about this beast. Tyranitar is awesome. Tyranitar is my favorite Rock-type to this date and is just sooo awesome! Ok, so Tyranitar can learn all the elemental punches AND fangs as well as other ass-kicking Rock, Dark, Ground, and Normal type attacks. So much variety. Also, Tyranitar looks amazing. I feel that it has a simple yet kinda complex design. Tyranitar’s mega evolution is pretty cool, but I honestly don’t care for it too much. Tyranitar is a must-have for any sandstorm team as its main ability is Sand Stream, which sets up a sandstorm when its sent out. Also, the name, Tyranitar. It just sounds so epic. And of course Tyranitar is really good in battle, Tyranitar is a pseudo legendary, meaning it has a base stat total of 600 or higher but isn’t a legendary of mega evolution. Tyranitar is the Pokémon equivalent of Godzilla, and my lord Arceus does it do a damn good job at it. Let’s see a movie with Godzilla fighting Tyranitar some day.

Honorable mentions:


1    1.  Lugia

So you might’ve noticed a lack of legendary Pokémon on this list. I know my Gen 1 list had a legendary at number 1, and this one is no different. I believe that this Pokémon deserves this spot better than any other Pokémon from Johto. Not only that, but I think this Pokémon is a representative of the franchise as a whole and why it’s so awesome. My number one pick for this countdown is none other than the guardian of the sea himself, Lugia. This might not be a huge surprise as Lugia is a very popular Pokémon, but I have my reasons as to why I love Lugia so much. Lugia isn’t my favorite Pokémon by any means, or even my favorite legendary, but Lugia is proudly among one of them. Lugia has been the mascot of 3 Pokémon games. That alone is a lot of dignity. Also, Lugia has a very…epic…design. I just love how majestic Lugia looks when flying in the skies or when Lugia spreads its wings and lets out an epic roar. If Lugia flaps its wings, it can cause a 40-day storm. That just lets you know that you don’t want to upset Lugia. Also, Lugia has an great signature move in Aeroblast. Lugia’s song from the 2nd Pokémon movie is pretty awesome too. Like most legendaries, lugia has a pretty big movepool. Granted, it’s no Mew when it comes to movepools but it’s still a pretty good movepool nonetheless. The only thing I find wrong with this beautiful Pokémon in its typing. Why isn’t it Water/Flying? That makes much more sense than Psychic/Flying.  Anyway, Lugia also has a very high Special Defense, being at a base of 154. While it’s the 4th highest special defense, (which is actually still really good), it means that Lugia can take Electric and Ice, 2 types that have a lot of special moves, rather well. So what me say that Lugia represents the series as a whole? Because Lugia is beautiful and epic like the landscapes in a Pokémon game, well-designed like a lot of Pokémon, nostalgic for many, and just calls for a lot of dignity. Lugia in one word is just beautiful, and that’s all I can really say about this epic pocket monster. See you guys next time as things will get even more real as I find the next 4 generations of Pokémon to be a lot better than the original 2. Until then this is Ira Eidle signing out.
Next review: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Next countdown: Top 10 Hoenn Pokémon
Next rant: The Pokémon Fanbase

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